The preparation of a specific transfer factor of paratyphoid A with two methods of in vivo and in vitro 体内和体外两种方法制备甲型副伤寒特异性转移因子
Clinical analysis of multiple organ injury induced by typhoid and paratyphoid A 伤寒副伤寒并发多器官损害的临床分析
Analysis of the clinical feature and drug resistance of paratyphoid fever A in Wenzhou 温州地区甲型副伤寒临床特征及耐药性分析
An analysis on epidemic characteristics of paratyphoid A in Ningbo City, 2004-2006 宁波市2004-2006年甲型副伤寒流行特征分析
Long-term toxicity of intramuscularly injected paratyphoid A polysaccharide protein binding vaccine in rats 大鼠肌注甲型副伤寒多糖蛋白结合疫苗的长期毒性
Research on the Application in Diagnosis of Fluorescent Quantitation Polymerase Chain Reaction of Paratyphoid A 荧光定量聚合酶链反应诊断甲型副伤寒的应用研究
The clinical analyze of the treatment of children with no-model paratyphoid A in 20 cases 小儿不典型甲型副伤寒20例临床及治疗分析
Value of a single serum Widal agglutination test in diagnosis of paratyphoid fever a 单份血清肥达凝集试验在甲型副伤寒诊断中的价值
Clinical analysis of paratyphoid fever A and comparison of curative effect of antimicrobial agents 副伤寒甲病例临床分析及药物疗效比较
Clinical analysis of 297 cases of paratyphoid fever A combined with multiple organ damage 副伤寒甲并发多脏器损害297例临床分析
The experiments indicated that hypothermal activity of Jierejing oral liquid was observed in experimental animals with fever caused by yeast and a vaccine combination of typhoid, paratyphoid A and B. 解热静口服液对伤寒副伤寒、甲乙三联菌苗及酵母菌所致动物发热有较好的解热作用;可显著对抗二甲苯及蛋清引起的动物炎症反应;
Clinical features and drug sensitive test of 413 cases with paratyphoid A 413例甲型副伤寒临床特征及药敏分析
Survey of an outbreak and prevalence of paratyphoid A in Taizhou City of Zhejiang Province 浙江台州市一起甲型副伤寒暴发流行的调查
Conclusion Paratyphoid fever A can cause severe kidney damage, with non-specific symptoms at the early stage. The seriousness of the abnormal of urine test can't be ignored as those provides the basis for the early diagnosis. 结论甲副可导致严重肾损害,早期症状缺乏特异性,但尿检轻度异常不能忽视,为早期诊断提供依据;
Conclusions Most cases of paratyphoid A complicated by pneumonia are secondary infection. 结论甲型副伤寒并发肺炎时,以继发感染为主,但存在伤寒性肺炎。
A research on improving the proportion of paratyphoid fever A patients with positive blood culture 提高甲型副伤寒患者血培养阳性率的研究
Application of Pulsed Field Electrophoresis and Plasmid Profile on Molecular Epidemiological Survey of Paratyphoid A Strain in Zhejiang Province 脉冲场凝胶电泳与质粒图谱分析应用于浙江省甲副伤寒菌株的分子流行病学调查
Results This is S. paratyphi A outbreak transmitted through water. 269 cases of paratyphoid fever A were found with 24.48% of attack rate. 结果这是一起经水传播的甲型副伤寒点源暴发疫情,共发病269例,罹患率24.48%。
Nine patients with paratyphoid fever A complicated with severe kidney damage 9例甲型副伤寒并发严重肾损害的临床分析
Misdiagnosis of paratyphoid A: 2 cases 甲型副伤寒误诊2例
Mehtods Ninety patients with paratyphoid fever A were divided into three groups, patients of each group received lomefloxacin, cefotaxime, chloramphenicol respectively for 2-3 weeks, the curative effects of each group were compared. 方法将90例确诊副伤寒甲病例随机分为3组,分别使用洛美沙星、头孢噻肟钠、氯霉素治疗2~3周,观察各项指标,比较疗效。
A Case-Control Study on Correlation Factors of Paratyphoid Fever A Outbreak 甲型副伤寒暴发疫情流行因素的病例对照研究
Preparation lipopolysaccharide and purification O-SP from Salmonella paratyphoid A 甲型副伤寒沙门氏菌LPS提取和O-SP纯化
Objective Analyzed paratyphoid fever A's clinical feature and drug resistance from 1997 to 2003 in Wenzhou, to improve our knowledge of the disease and to investigate reasonably use antibiotic. 目的分析温州地区1997~2003年甲型副伤寒的临床特征及耐药性,提高对该病的认识,探讨合理使用抗生素。
Paratyphoid fever is a serious invasive and intracellular infection disease, which caused by S. paratyphi A and transmitting by the fecal-oral route. 甲型副伤寒是一种严重的侵袭性胞内感染疾病,主要通过粪-口途径传播。